Book an A2/A2 test
Take advantage of the growing demand for A2/A2 milk.
To book contact your LIC rep or call GeneMark on 0800 436 362.
About 30% of New Zealand dairy cows produce milk that contains only A2 beta-casein protein. These cows have two copies of the A2 allele that make up the beta-casein gene – A2/A2.
Some consumers are willing to pay more for A2/A2 milk because they believe it prevents the digestive problems they say they experience after drinking A1 milk. We do not endorse any of these claims.
If you want to set up a herd that produces A2/A2 milk, every animal in the herd must be A2/A2. You must also breed with bulls that are A2/A2.
See A2 bulls for more information about how to select suitable bulls for breeding.
A2 tests
Use our tissue or milk testing service to identify the A2 status of your animals.
Milk test (via herd testing)
We analyse a milk sample from every animal that is collected during a herd test to identify what animals are A2/A2, A1/A2 or A1/A1.
Samples are passed on to a third party laboratory for testing after the herd test has been completed. This partnership ensures there is no cross contamination between milk samples.
The test can be completed on whole herds (all animals at the herd test) or partial herds (a select group of animals at the herd test). A partial herd will incur a $49.95 (excl. GST) Adminstration Fee.
Please complete the submission form below before a test is booked.
Tissue test
We analyse a tissue sample from each animal to identify what animals are A2/A2, A1/A2 or A1/A1.
We have three ways of testing:
- combine the A2 tissue test with GeneMark Genomics testing using the GeneMark Genomics Sample Submission form
- collect tissue samples for standalone A2 tissue testing.
Collecting and sending the tissue samples
A2 testing combined with DNA parentage testing
You can combine A2 testing with the GeneMark Genomics product.
See Collecting tissue samples for A2 tissue testing or BVD testing for information about how to collect and send tissue samples for an A2 test as part of GeneMark Genomics testing.
Send the samples with this completed form:
Standalone A2 tissue testing
See Collecting tissue samples for A2 tissue testing or BVD testing for information about how to collect and send tissue samples for standalone A2 tissue testing.
Complete the GeneMark Genomics Sample Submission form to send with your samples — tick A2 gene testing on the form.
Getting the results
Milk test
You’ll receive the results by email approximately 10 working days after we receive the samples. We’ll also upload them to MINDA.
Tissue test
You’ll receive the results by email 4 weeks after we receive the samples. We’ll also upload them to MINDA.
A2/A2 Genotype Test Prices
Test |
Sample type |
Results turnaround time |
Price per sample |
Test Retrospective A2/A2* |
Sample type Not required |
Results turnaround time 5-7 working days |
Price per sample $13.65 |
Test A2/A2 |
Sample type Tissue |
Results turnaround time 3 weeks |
Price per sample $26.25 |
Test A2/A2 |
Sample type Milk |
Results turnaround time 10 working days |
Price per sample $25.20 + standard herd test costs |
*Available if the animal already has a G3 profile.
All prices exclude GST. Prices effective as of 1st June 2024
Book an A2/A2 test
Take advantage of the growing demand for A2/A2 milk.
To book contact your LIC rep or call GeneMark on 0800 436 362.