Fonterra customer-funded tools and services

Fonterra’s customers are interested in supporting farmers to improve efficiency and reduce emissions.

One way they are supporting farmers is by providing direct funding for tools and services, including herd improvement and animal health tests and software subscriptions.

LIC services that are available for funding of up to $2,000 depending on herd size include:

An additional herd test

The funding will be applied when the number of tests completed for a farmer exceeds the number of tests the farmer had booked for the season at the time this offer opened being 15 August 2024.

Find out more about herd tests.

A new Johne’s milk test

Funding must be applied to a new or additional Johnes milk test, over and above what is booked for the season at the time this offer opens being 15 August 2024.

If more than one test is completed, the funding will be applied to the final test of the season.

If the additional test is cancelled, no funding will be provided.

Find out more about Johne’s disease milk tests

A new BVD calf test

Funding must be applied to additional BVD calf testing.

As BVD calf testing is not a booked product, LIC will determine eligibility based on whether the farmer has carried out BVD calf testing (via tissue) across all replacements in the previous season.

Find out more about BVD calf testing

To apply for funding, please apply through Fonterra’s application form as outlined in an email from Fonterra on 15 August 2024.