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A new generation of highly-selected Hereford sires, specifically chosen for excellent calving ease, growth, and outstanding carcase and meat quality traits. LIC has deliberately selected two of the best young sires available, as well as a Dairy Beef Progeny Proven sire. The go-to choice for well-marked calves that will reliably perform through the entire dairy-beef value chain from rearing, finishing, and carcase.

Hereford Focus Pack Average within-breed ranking across all sires (can only compare to other Herefords). Frozen. Homozygous Polled.

Hereford Focus Pack

724004 Colraine Washington

724004 Colraine Washington

Washington was LIC’s pick among 2023-born Hereford bulls. His spread of EBVs are almost unmatched. He ranks in the top 4% of the breed for calving ease and is among the shortest 15% for gestation length. His 400 Day Weight and Carcase Weight EBVs place him in the top 4% and top 2% of the breed – indicating he’ll produce well-grown progeny and heavy carcases. His eye muscle area and marbling EBVs are both in the top 4% of the breed –providing a unique muscling and marbling combo. An extremely rare genetic package – he scores well within the top 1% of the breed for dairy-beef value.

724036 Waikaka Redford 2266

724036 Waikaka Redford 2266

From the Paterson family in Waikaka, Gore, Redford is LIC’s number one pick among 2022-born Hereford bulls. He boasts figures that are in the top 4% of the breed for calving ease, and the top 15% for gestation length. His growth and carcase figures stack up, with his 400 Day Weight in the top 10%, and a carcase weight in the top 1%. He ranks in the highest 0.2% of the breed in the NZ Hereford Dairy Index. His progeny should be born easily, grow fast, and yield well.

720151 Beechwood In Time 7

720151 Beechwood In Time 7

In Time is an outstanding proven six-year-old bull. His Birth Weight EBV puts him in the best 5% of the breed. His Carcase Weight and Eye Muscle Area EBVs both rank him in the top 20% and top 9% of the breed respectively. These figures indicate his progeny will be born easily and will continue to grow well through to slaughter and yield well. These outstanding features came through in his B+LNZ Genetics Dairy Beef Progeny Test results. He made the Dairy Beef Progeny Test top 20 all-rounder list; he was one of the few bulls tested over the nine years that ranked highly for both dairy and beef performance traits.

Individual nominated sires and sires within the Hereford Pack.

Subject to availability. Availability of a Focus Pack sire throughout the year and delivery of straws will depend on bull collection status, size of order and allocation of a sires’ straws to an order. Note: EBVs in these links are updated monthly in the BREEDPLAN genetic evaluation and are published by the NZ Hereford Association.

Individual/Hereford Focus Pack Waikaka Redford 2266

720151 Individual/Hereford Focus Pack Beechwood In Time 7

724004 Individual/Hereford Focus Pack Colraine Washington

Current LIC Beef + SGL catalogue

For further information on individual beef bulls and packs, please contact your local Agri Manager.

Buy beef bulls or packs

Contact your LIC rep

Contact your LIC rep for more information or to purchase.