Homozygous polled and solid-coloured homozygous black. From Rissington Cattle Company, the Profit Maker breed is highly selected for calving ease, growth, feed efficiency, and carcase traits (marbling and yield). The breed combines hybrid vigour and complementary breed traits and is supported by the Leachman Global Multibreed Analysis of 1.5 million animals and carcase testing of 10,000+ beef x dairy crosses.

Focus Pack Average across-breed ranking across all sires. Frozen. Homozygous Polled.

Profit Maker® Focus Pack

721266 Rissington Expedite

721266 Rissington Expedite

Expedite is a short gestation, homozygous black, homozygous polled, Profit Maker® sire that is a genuine outlier for all the traits that matter to the dairy farmer and beef finisher. On the Leachman Global Multibreed Analysis, it’s no surprise Expedite ranks highly across all breeds for $Dairy® Index, given his place in the top 1% for gestation length, birth weight, carcase weight, marbling, and feed to gain.

722320 Rissington Reliant

722320 Rissington Reliant

Reliant is a standout Profit Maker® sire that is homozygous black and homozygous polled. He’s in the top 2% of the breed for gestation length and marbling, top 2% for weaning weight and carcase weight, and top 30% for birth weight. Like Expedite, he has superb, documented, feed efficiency. Reliant also sits in the top 1% for $Dairy® Index and has been used extensively in the New Zealand dairy sector over the last two years.

Individual nominated sires and sires within the Profit Maker Pack.

Subject to availability. Availability of a Focus Pack sire throughout the year and delivery of straws will depend on bull collection status, size of order and allocation of a sires’ straws to an order. Note: EBVs in these links are updated monthly in the Leachman Global Evaluation.

Individual / Profit Maker Focus Pack RISSINGTON RELIANT R156

721266 Individual / Profit Maker Focus Pack RISSINGTON EXPEDITE R481

723268 Profit Maker Focus Pack RISSINGTON S642

Current LIC Beef + SGL catalogue

For further information on individual beef bulls and packs, please contact your local Agri Manager.