Short Gestation Length (SGL) beef sires that deliver more days in milk, together with fertility benefits (compared to many other beef breeds). SGL Hereford is LIC’s top beef breed, offering distinctive white-faced calves, which are both easy to identify and sought after in saleyards. A high proportion of SGL Hereford sires are homozygous polled. LIC sources genetics from Shrimpton’s Hill Herefords, Australasia’s leading SGL Hereford stud which is known for breeding traits ideal for the dairy industry. Available in liquid or frozen semen options to suit different farming systems.

SGL Hereford Focus Pack
Average within-breed ranking across all sires (can only be compared to other Herefords).
Fresh and frozen. Contains heterozygous and homozygous polled bulls.

SGL Hereford Focus Pack Info

819111 Shrimpton's Hill 170045

819111 SHRIMPTONS HILL 170045 ET

820128 Shrimpton's Hill 190126

820128 SHRIMPTONS HILL 190126

822133 Shrimpton's Hill 200115

822133 SHRIMPTONS HILL 200115

Individual nominated sires and sires within the SGL Hereford Pack

Subject to availability. Availability of a Focus Pack sire throughout the year and delivery of straws will depend on bull collection status, size of order and allocation of a sires’ straws to an order. Note: EBVs in these links are updated monthly in the BREEDPLAN genetic evaluation and are published by the NZ Hereford Association.

Individual SHRIMPTONS HILL 170045 ET

820128 Individual SHRIMPTONS HILL 190126

822133 Individual SHRIMPTONS HILL 200115

822137 Individual SHRIMPTONS HILL 200331

814103 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 130015

819112 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 170046 ET

819113 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 170053

819116 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 180034

819119 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 180038

820121 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 190002

820127 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 190119 (EZI)

822130 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 200005

822131 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 200105

822132 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 200109

822138 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 200340

823101 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 210024

823104 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 210106

823105 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 210118

823106 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 210157

823108 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 210187

823109 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 210467

823110 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 210500

823111 SGL Hereford Focus Pack SHRIMPTONS HILL 210502

Current LIC Beef + SGL catalogue

For further information on individual beef bulls and packs, please contact your local Agri Manager.