Buy beef bulls or packs

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This breed showed excellent all-round performance in the B+LNZ Genetics Dairy Beef Progeny Test for traits like birth weight, gestation length, age at weaning, yearling weight, and carcase weight. Stabilizer continues to make impressive gains within the large Central North Island nucleus herd and is widely used in Pāmu dairy herds. Available as homozygous Black Stabilizer Focus Pack, or Red Stabilizer Focus Pack.

Black Stabilizer Focus Pack. Average ranking across all sires

Black Stabilizer Focus Pack

Red Stabilizer Focus Pack. Average ranking across all sires

Red Stabilizer Focus Pack

720073 Focus Optimizer

720073 Focus Optimizer

This bull is a highly proven homozygous black and homozygous polled individual, whose offspring have demonstrated outstanding performance at weaning. Optimizer has been widely used within both Pāmu’s dairy and beef herds. Notably, in the Stabilizer® evaluation, he ranks in an impressive top 2% for calving ease and gestation length, ranks in the top 4% for birth Weight. His carcase yield is exceptional, scoring in the top 1% for eye muscle area and top 1% on a combined index for dairy desirability.

723090 Focus Meateor

723090 Focus Meateor

Meateor has exceptional birth weight to yearling growth, making him a curve bender and great calving ease option. He is homozygous polled with a rich red dilution-free coat. He has the highest growth figures of any Stabilizer® bull in this catalogue, in addition to being in the top 1-2% of the evaluation for calving ease, gestation length and eye muscle area. Meateor is a quiet, easy handling bull with good muscle expression from a young age.

Current LIC Beef + SGL catalogue

For further information on individual beef bulls and packs, please contact your local Agri Manager.

Buy beef bulls or packs

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