Arrange a herd test

Contact your local LIC Rep

Increase your herd's productivity and value – arrange a herd test today.

Or, get in touch with our herd testing team.

Increase your herd’s productivity and value with regular herd testing — the only way to accurately identify how your cows are performing.

Herd testing identifies:

  • high producers you can use for breeding
  • poor producers that need to be dried off or culled
  • animals with mastitis that need treatment, drying off or culling.

Make informed breeding and culling decisions with an understanding of your herd’s breeding worth (BW) and production worth (PW). Herd testing helps you track and monitor your herd’s performance and assess how effective your management decisions have been.

Prove your herd’s worth 

Regular herd testing increases the market value of your herd, by giving you more reliable BW and PW figures. Buyers are likely to pay more for animals with a proven history of both PW and BW.

Improve the quality of the national herd

Herd tests play a vital role in improving the quality of the national herd. Data from herd tests is used to identify productive animals that can be selectively bred to provide genetic gains for the dairy industry as a whole.

Herd Testing is a regulated activity and LIC is compliant to the following standards:

  • New Zealand Standard: Dairy Herd Testing (NZS 8100:2015)
  • General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (NZS ISO/IEC 17025:2018)
  • Quality management systems – Requirements (AS/NZS ISO 9001:2016)

If you want to know more about these standards or the LIC Herd Test quality policy please contact us on 0800 837 843.

Arrange a herd test

Contact your local LIC Rep

Increase your herd's productivity and value – arrange a herd test today.

Or, get in touch with our herd testing team.