Our Board of Directors set the vision and long-term goals of the co-operative. This includes the strategy to achieve that vision, as well as the monitoring of the strategy implementation.
They also play an important role in ensuring that LIC complies with all necessary legislation and account to shareholders for the LIC’s activities.
We have six farmer-elected and three independently appointed directors.
Farmer-elected directors are shareholders of LIC, elected by shareholders to represent the North or South Island. Appointed directors are independent, and ensure our Board has the appropriate skills and competencies to lead LIC effectively. Their perspectives and experience complement the industry knowledge and other expertise provided by farmer elected directors.
Director elections are held at our Annual Meeting. All directors serve a three-year term.

Left to Right: Victoria Trayner, Mike O'Connor, Ben Dickie, Corrigan Sowman, Tim Gibson, Sophie Haslem, Duncan Coull, Tony Coltman
Director profiles

M: 027 625 6646
Corrigan and his wife Ruth (along with their two sons) are part owners of Uruwhenua Farms, a 400ha family owned dairy farm in Golden Bay.
He has been a part of the dairy sector since graduating from Massey University firstly as a Consulting Officer and Farm Consultant in Canterbury, before returning to the farm in 2008.
Off farm, Corrigan has been a Chair of SIDE, a Director and Chair of SIDDC which operates Lincoln University Dairy Farm, and Deputy Chair of the DairyNZ Dairy Environment Leaders program. He is also a Kellogg Rural Leader, 2019 Nuffield Scholar and 2021 Graduate of the Fonterra Governance Development Programme.
Corrigan was elected to the Board in October 2022.
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Majors in Natural Resource Management and Agriculture)

M: 027 291 6056
Victoria and her husband Glen (with their three girls) farm in Oxford, Canterbury, milking 650 cows and running two support blocks, as well as a lease block.
Victoria’s primary sector experience is drawn from her own farming enterprise and involvement across sector with governance and as a tutor for the primary ITO and Agri-business group. Victoria was appointed as the 1st Associate Director for the Alliance Group in 2021. She was rewarded the Trinity Land scholarship for the Fonterra Governance Programme which she completed in 2020.
Victoria’s current governance roles are Waimakariri Irrigation Company, North Canterbury Land Holding Limited, Platinum Farming limited and Motu Lodge Stud limited. Highly passionate about farming and her community, Victoria’s previous governance and leadership roles have been Chairman of the Canterbury Plan Change 7 Primary Sector Group, Waimakariri Land-Care Trust as a founding trustee and the Next Generation Farmers group.
Victoria is a descendant of Waitaha and Ngati Mamoe, both of which are represented by the Ngai Tahu Iwi. The knowledge of her land and farming is comprehensive across the different primary sectors from both a farm gate and corporate perspective.
Victoria was elected to the Board in October 2023.
- Master Business Administration 2020
- Bachelor of Agriculture 2012
- Graduate Diploma of Teaching and Learning 2009
- Bachelor of Fine Arts 2008
- NZHND 2003
Other Directorships
- Waimakariri Irrigation Limited
- North Canterbury Land Holdings Limited
- Platinum Farming Limited
- Motu Lodge Stud Limited
- INZ Accreditation Limited
- Irrigation New Zealand Incorporated Society

M: 027 478 6759
Tony and his wife Dana farm in Dunsandel milking 3300 cows.
Tony has 30 years’ experience in director and advisory roles both in New Zealand and abroad and is committed to the progress and success of the New Zealand dairy industry by creating positive change. He is also determined to protect farmers’ licence to operate by showcasing the great things they do and believes that looking after the wellbeing of farmers is essential.
Tony has an extensive Governance and Management experience including the following achievements
- Supreme Winner of Ballance Farm Environment Awards 2020
- Runner Up 2015 & 2016 NZ Dairy Awards
- Lincoln University Dairy Farm Management Advisory Group
- Lincoln University Dairy Farm Benchmark farm
- Monitor Farmer for the Forages for Reduced Nitrate leaching
Tony was elected to the Board in September 2024
- Fonterra Governance Development Programme 2016
- Lincoln University, BCom Ag (Farm Management)
- Lincoln University, Diploma in Farm Management (with Distinction)
- Various Institute of Directors NZ courses
Other Directorships
- Central Plains Water Ltd
- Rahi Partnership Ltd
- Canlac Holdings (2014) Limited
- Band 4 Water Ltd
- Datona Limited

M: 027 476 9794
Mike and his wife Andrea farm near Te Awamutu.
Mike is experienced in the business of farming understanding what is required from “in the paddock” to the organisation, governance, and management of multi farming operations in different regional locations. He has gained corporate exposure in his role as Managing Director of Spectrum Group, guiding the business through complex financial and organisational restructuring which reset the original framework allowing the business to evolve to new levels.
Rural New Zealand is being asked to lead toward a more sustainable future and in his opinion, LIC will be an essential participant in finding solutions, improving efficiencies and developing competence to help farmers adjust to the challenges of agriculture of the future. Mike believes that LIC is well placed to help improve animal efficiency through breeding, and the delivery of new practical technology keeping animal production on the front line.
Mike was elected to the Board in September 2024.
- Diploma in Agriculture - Massey University
- Winner - Waikato Sharemilker of the Year 1988.
- Participant - Kelloggs Rural Leadership Programme.
- Participant - NZ Icehouse Leadership Programme.
- Participant - Fonterra Governance Development Programme 2010.
- Participant – Seven Habits Programme.
- Participant - ASB FAME Programme 2008.
- Past Chairman – NZ Large Herds Conference, Waikato
Other Directorships
- Managing Director - Spectrum Group, associated companies and personal businesses.
- Chairman - Koromiko Grazing Ltd
- Trustee – Otorohanga Kiwi House Charitable Trust

M: 027 293 7955
Ben and his wife Vanessa (along with their three children) milk 1,500 cows on three farms near Waverley in South Taranaki.
Prior to becoming a dairy farmer in 2005, Ben was a financial analyst in Sydney specialising in publicly listed mining companies. While working in the finance sector, he completed the three year CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) programme in 2003.
Ben was elected to the Fonterra Shareholders’ Council in 2016 and completed the Fonterra Governance Development Programme in 2017. Until 2017, Ben was the Chair, for seven years, of the West Coast Lessees Association, which represents the interests of around 300 leaseholders of PKW land in Taranaki.
- BSc (Hons) in Geology (Otago University)
- BCom in Finance (Otago University)
Other Directorships:
- Appointed Chair of the Shareholder Council’s Performance Committee in 2017
- Trustee of the Waverley Primary School
Ben was elected to the Board in June 2018.

M: 027 472 7110
Duncan and his wife Julie farm in the King Country. His current farming interests include a dairy farm operation, two equity partnerships as well as a Kiwifruit and forestry block. Duncan also founded Rural Business Solutions, a company providing farm supervision and business advisory services.
Duncan has an extensive dairy background including Rural banking experience and was a member of the Fonterra Shareholder Council from 2010 – 2019 of which he was Chair for 4.5 years. He also chaired the Fonterra Governance Development Programme committee from 2017 – 2019.
Duncan was elected to the Board in October 2023.
Other Directorships
- Chair of Ballance Agri-Nutrients
- New Zealand Phosphate Company
- Co-Chair Otorohanga College Board
- RBS (2015) Limited
- RBS Invest Limited
- Ngutunui Dairies Limited

M: 021 390 587
Tim has many years’ experience in export industries and agriculture starting in Dunedin with Donaghys Limited.
Tim was the Chief Executive of NZ Trade & Enterprise and has held managing director and senior executive positions in dairy co-operatives and public companies.
He is a Director of several companies including Port Otago Ltd, Taupo-based milk processing company Miraka Ltd, Skills Consulting Limited, Silver Fern Farms Limited, and Manage My Health Global Ltd.
Tim was appointed to the Board in October 2017.
- BA (Hons) (Otago University).
- LLB (Otago University).
Other directorships
- The Equanut Company Limited (Chair) (non trading)
- Port Otago (Chair)
- Port Otago Limited (Port Chalmers Container Terminal Limited; Chalmers Properties Limited; Fiordland Pilot Services Limited; Te Rapa Gateway Limited)
- Silver Fern Farms Co-Operative Limited
- Silver Fern Farms Limited (Silver Fern Farms Joint Ventures Limited; Silver Fern Farms Holdings Limited)
- The Skills Organisation Incorporated (Chair)
- Tūhana Consulting Limited
- Tūhana Business & Human Rights Limited

Sophie has more than 20 years of broad commercial experience working across a range of companies. She has a strong executive background in banking, finance and mergers and acquisitions.
Sophie has held a number of senior roles including Head of Commercial & Investment at New Zealand Post and Strategy and Investments Manager at The ECN Group.
Sophie was appointed to the Board in December 2018.
- Bachelor of Commerce (Melbourne University)
- Postgraduate diploma in Management (Melbourne University)
Other directorships
- Rangatira Limited
- CentrePort Limited and its subsidiaries
- Kordia Group Limited (Chair)
- Payments NZ Limited
- CH4 Global Inc (Shareholder)
- nib NZ Limited
- nib NZ Insurance Limited
- nib NZ Holdings Limited